Sando has spent the last fifteen years in the Investment Management industry, facilitating the distribution of liquid financial products. He began his career with Thornburg Investment Management as an Internal Sales Partner. In 2008, he chose to broaden his career by joining Smith Barney as a Financial Advisor. The breadth of his knowledge and experience includes products in numerous investment asset-classes: long-only equities, fixed income, and alternatives.
While partnering with Catalyst Capital Advisors (Catalyst) on a venture to supply alternative mutual funds in the states of Texas and Oklahoma, he capitalized on his entrepreneurial spirit and founded Sando Capital (SC) in 2011. With the collaborative participation and growth of SC’s relationships and referrals, Catalyst has reached over $6 Billion in assets under management. Under Sando’s guidance, the scope of investment offerings by SC has expanded since 2011, to include representation of several boutique asset managers, all with varying partnership levels and mandates. Sando has proven his ability to raise assets for a variety of fund families over the long term, to raise assets for potential liquidity events, and to lead sales teams. His passion for establishing and maintaining long term relationships is apparent in his day-to-day involvement by providing a concierge customer service experience to his clients, whether they be private investors, financial advisors, or boutique asset managers.
Sando graduated from the University of Mississippi, with an emphasis in Investments, receiving a BBA in Finance. He resides in Dallas, TX where he and his wife Katie are raising their children, Mack and Charlotte and participating in community and philanthropic initiatives.

O’Dea has spent the last fifteen years specialized in the marketing industry, focusing on web
design, brand development, content creation, and social media campaigns. Early in her career,
she was director of marketing for Lennox International and The Equita Group. In 2019 she
founded PGF Marketing in Dallas, TX, and serves as the Managing Partner leading the
organization’s day-to-day operations and establishing the firm’s clientele to over 70 companies
served. As the head of PGF Marketing, O’Dea has created investor presentations, company logos,
and has designed more than 100 websites in almost every industry. She has accomplished this
while maintaining an exceptional ability to help brands connect to their audience through
content marketing.
In 2020, O’Dea joined Sando Capital as Director of Marketing & Operations, assisting the
Founder in all firm marketing and operational decisions and protocols. Her marketing roles
include the management of website design, company and sales material, social media
campaigns, and increasing brand awareness. She is also responsible for overseeing effective
operating procedures across the firm. These operational duties include managing logistics,
procedures, and creating financial reporting templates that streamline Sando Capital’s daily
operations with a focus on identifying ways to increase sales revenue.
O’Dea attended Ouachita Baptist University, focused on Early Childhood Education, with an
emphasis in Spanish. She resides in Dallas, TX with her husband Tom, and enjoys being involved
in nonprofit activities, as she serves on the board of The Sando Foundation as Secretary.